if you missed the AWANA Awards night on may 6, click below…

Give glory to Jesus by loving and serving the kids and families of Cornerstone


Cornerstone Kids serves families with children from Nursery – 5th Grade.

Loving and serving God’s family is more than just Sundays, so we use every opportunity to help parents effectively disciple their children, and provide Bible saturated teaching in the lives of the kids.

Vacation Bible School is May 20-23!!!


Vacation Bible School is May 20-23!!! 〰️


This year’s theme of “Breaker Rock Beach” will teach God’s rock-solid truth in a world of shifting sands. At Breaker Rock Beach kids will learn to recognize the difference between what the world says is true and what GOD says is true. Students will engage with other students their age and enjoy different musical worship, Bible training, crafts, snacks, and games each night.


Get Involved in cornerstone kids

Discipling children can be tough, you have to do it for the right reasons. Loving Jesus and His Church sometimes takes effort, but will always produce fruit and joy. Cornerstone Kids has many ways to share with kids about Jesus’ saving grace. Will you join the team of volunteers who pour into these kids?


Upcoming Events

  • Join us Sunday mornings at 9:30 & 11:30 for
    Cornerstone Kids Church, grades K-5.

  • VBS (Vacation Bible School) is scheduled for May 20-23 just before summer.

  • In the summer, we have Wednesday Play Day for children and their guardians.

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Be sure to check the Cornerstone Church Facebook page and Cornerstone Church AWANA Facebook.